Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do You Wanna Be On Top?

So last night was relaxing. I had a sort of odd day at work and the TV and the couch is just what I needed... Well, along with the loads of laundry I have to finish folding. You know, doing laundry is my most hated chore to do. It seems like it takes forever! First you separate the clothes into colors, towels, denim etc. Then you put it in the washing machine. It takes a while and you have to wait. Then you transfer it to the dryer while you put in the next load if you do have one. Then once everything is dry, you fold them. Last is putting them each in their place. I would rather wash dishes all day or sweep the floor or something.

Anyway, so I was watching one of my guiltiest pleasure America's Next Top Model. Yeah, I feel embarassed to admit that I watch skinny girls make a fool out of themselves. But my favorite part, the one I fast-forward to since I tivo it are the finished product. The final pictures! Yeah, sometimes they look crazy or out of their minds but those that actually look good? It just gives me inspiration. Now I sound tacky. But seriously... It was a perfect end to my night... along with a handful of Bliss white chocolates!

Now im not an insomniac but I do sleep at 12 most nights. I just cannot put my system to sleep before that time. It's weird. I just watch whatever I recorded and it will go on and on. I need to be more productive at night. I just dont know what else to do. I should start making a list or something. sighs...


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