Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Moving on

It is about that time where my family and I are moving to a new house. I just feel that in the last 20 years of my life, i havent really stayed put. Although all the homes we lived in, I thought, were my home. I guess my family has this itch that we can't really stay put in a place for so long a time. Think of us as gypsies in the deep blue waters of the world. We move from one destination to the next yet we find peace and tranquility and leaving our memories painted on the old one. That's my family. We leave our mark everywhere. We are hard to forget.

I am excited to move into this new house cause its cozier and more serene. I love unpacking and organizinbg stuff. Im OCD you know...It's just my thing to try and fix everything I see wrong around me. Ironically, I can'r fix the things inside me. But that's just another blog...

Right now my main problem is to find an affordable bunk bed. I was gonna get one but it didn't work out. It's not meant to be...sighs...Anyway, I can't wait to go home and get my hands on those unpacked boxes. I feel so refreshed and a whole new person. Yeah, a new house and new surroundings does that to me.

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