Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back to My Old Self

So I am obssessed with looking up trailers and seeing what's about to be shown in theaters before it actually hit it. I get excited and all!

I am not a big Jake Gyllenhall fan. (Did I even spell his last name right?)

But there's just something about his odd english accent that makes me want to see the movie. I'm big on accents. In my opinion, it fits well with his whole get up. I am sure people will pounce on him for his new looks but it works just fine for me. \

Am I seriously falling for Jake?!?!? Weird now...

I prefer this old-setting blockbuster movies than the sci fi ones. Although I am a firm advocate for the indie movies, I do love an occasional exciting-out-of-your-seat movie.

We'll see what becomes of this.


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