Saturday, September 27, 2008

I am Artemis

I have always been fascinated with my name. Not that my name is uncommon or anything like that but the fact is that a lot of big female figures have my name.

Princess Diana
Most people during the 90s know who she is. She was a popular monarch to the masses. They all loved her. Atleast that's what my mom tells me. She was this icon for fashion, charity work, motherhood, femininity and many more. I admire her for being her. But that is until her tragic unexpected death. It started out as a mourning period for those who loved her. Soon after, malicious rumors spread and this put a stain to her name. But she will always be that princess that a lot of people love and admire. I am so not like her.

Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto. She is a goddess of the moon, hunting, virginity and childbirth. Upon reading about her, i found out that there are a lot of stories about her. They were inconsistent and have different endings. But they all tell me that Artemis is a string-willed woman. She has a vow of chastity and the stories where she was hurt by men, she made sure they were punished. I kinda like this Diana. But it seemed as if she was loveless...

I'll be updating some famous Diana's later on. Till then...I am Diana and this is my blog.

XOXO yana

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