Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm Going Crazy

Just logged out of facebook. Apparently the four of us, Jace, Ko, Oat and I, are all going pretty damn crazy not talking at all. For the past 24 hours we all have been struggling to cope without talking or spilling our guts to each other. It's only been what? Like 3 days? And already we're going berserk! I think I can already see what my future holds this summer. I will be so fucking antsy waiting for them to come back and so will they.

To think that I thought we would all grow apart.

We can't fucking live without each other!

We are all babies!

Anyway, work is doing pretty well if I might add. My doctor was singing me praises which I humbly thank her. You see, I work at a dental office even though I studied medical assisting. I was hired because she desperately needed someone to man the newer office so I was hired without any experience. So in a couple of months one of her best dental assistants quit. She was also like me; no experience but she became the best in three years. So my doctor hired another assistant. This time, she was a licensed dental assistant. But then, turns out, she didn't really know anything. So all morning, my doctor was telling Chantel, another good assistant who was off the other day, that she was miserable and it would have been better if I was in the other office. sighs...i just feel so damn good cause its rare for my doctor to give compliments. But I won't let this get into my head. I just hope things work out here for me.

Wish me luck!


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